In-Situ Decontamination with
ClorDiSys Chlorine Dioxide Gas

Get rid-off all kind of microorganisms along with COVID-19

Decontamination and sterilization

The consequences to Companies, businesses and institutions experiencing biological contamination in lightly to moderately regulated industries can be just as significant as those operating in highly regulated industries. We take our responsibilities seriously.

Rather than taking a “one size fits all” approach, we deploy the industries/companies widest range of technologies including chlorine dioxide gas, hydrogen peroxide vapor (HPV), Sodium hypochlorite, aerosolized dry fogging, electrostatic spraying, wet fogging and ultraviolet light decontamination systems. Our disinfection or sanitization services typically deliver a log3 to log5 (99.9%-99.999%) sterility assurance level in companies/industries. Performance is validated using a variety of methods including ATP swabbing and/or microbial swabbing.